Product Features


You can expect a complete set of Social Networking services and features, as described in our Product Tour. And you are welcome to see them in action on our Demo Site. Essentially, the following key features set our product apart from other solutions, giving you the competitive edge.

Powerful User Management & Security

All of the social networking services are integrated into our User Management System. Its purpose is to identify users, decide internally which activities and resources they can access, and possibly charge users for access to those areas. Our Locks & Keys approach to managing access rights gives you unparalleled power for member access and control. Click here for details.

Credits-based E-Commerce Accounting

We offer a ‘Credits’ based e-commerce system across all collaboration services. Credits are a community’s unit of currency. They are the mechanism by which For-Profit systems can charge for services. A user maintains an electronic wallet (in the form of 'credits' applied to his account) and use this currency across all our services. For example, he can deduct an amount to place a classified ad in the classifieds, and deduct some more later to download a file from the File Libraries - all without having to pull out a credit card each time. Besides providing customers the convenience of not having to use a credit card for every transaction, it provides a powerful mechanism by which For-Profit systems can charge for additional or premium services. Click here for details. Our system was credit enabled years ago, and is nearly the only service that offers this unique form of integrated e-commerce. Facebook got their idea of credits from us. I bet Mark Zuckerberg was a Sysop.

So easy, even a baby could install it

Our package is completely turn-key. Whether you are running it in your data center, or ours; in a small office, or in your basement, the Worldgroup Social Networking platform does not require any additional software. You don't need to install a database, or a mail server, or even a web server. It's all included. You don't need to know PHP, or HTML, or Linux. Just run setup.exe and your service is online in 5 minutes. Click here for details.

Puts you in control

The netVillage Social Networking Engine is a commercial off-the-shelf package, not a service (though you can use our hosting service if you wish). Other solution providers force you into a hosting model. What if they go out of business? Decide to change the rules? Change the branding? With netVillage you can be in control, independent, and in charge of your own destiny.

2 people with laptop
Completely Integrated Services

Our community services were designed and developed to work with each other from the ground up. Other providers cobble together software applications from multiple vendors (under the banner 'best of breed'), resulting in a hodgepodge mix of services and a disruptive, inconsistent community experience.

Feature Rich

Our social networking software has been developed and fine-tuned over many, many years. We've incorporated feed back from a very large customer base and as a result our software is highly configurable with a vast array of configuration features (5,000 at last count!). This gives you the flexibility to create your ideal online service.

Built by the Best

Our developers have been building online social networks for over 20 years - we were the leading provider of communication tools during the dial-up era - and we count early AOL, Prodigy, and CompuServe amongst our customers. We are not one of the pablum-eating "Social Networking" providers birthed during the past year. We are, without a doubt, the most experienced web community provider around. See why you should trust building your social web service to us.

Call 410-850-9019 to learn more!

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