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W orldgroupware is a social networking software platform for creating, hosting, and managing community-enabled web sites, or special-interest user groups. We provide a complete set of tightly-integrated Social Networking services that provide solutions for businesses wishing to create revenue generating, virtual e-communities.

You can offer your members a full menu of social network software - chat rooms, discussion boards, shared document libraries, blogs, micro-blogs, profiles, calendars, photo galleries, video catalogs, auctions, classifieds, personals, polls, stores, databases, private community e-mail, facebook-like friend feeds, twitter-style updates, and much, much more. Individuals and entrepreneurs can also use our social networking platform to create a Social Network.

Why Social Networking? To succeed in e-commerce, you need to succeed in e-community.  Every site is fighting to attract and retain users. By adding our Social Networking features, your site can grab their attention, keep them on the site, and encourage them to return.

meeting picWhy us? Worldgroup's expertise and collaboration tools pre-dates even the web - we when built online communities for dial-up services. We know what works, and what doesn't, in the social networking space. We are not a pablum-eating "Social Networking" provider birthed during the past year. We are, without a doubt, the most experienced web community provider around.

Call (410) 850-9019 to learn more!

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